Are you leading with courage? Compassion?
Do you know what’s possible …
For you? Your team? Your organization?
Are you finding joy in your work?

“When faced with adversity, leaders have three choices: avoid it, endure it, or transform it. We facilitate transformation.”
– Andrea Chilcote
We Listen. We Guide.
We Enable Transformation.
What leaders need now is not a statement, but a key dialogue at a critical time. What began as questions leaders asked as the world entered one of the most significant crises of modern times became Morningstar Ventures’ founder Andrea Chilcote’s core work. She and her colleagues answered the call.
Introducing the Two 3s Program
Based on compelling and sound leadership qualities as well as core development practices introduced in Andrea Chilcote’s new book, What Leaders Need Now, the Two 3sSM Program creates an opportunity for transformational growth and change in an accessible and affordable format. This highly individualized, virtual or in-person coaching experience helps leaders begin, resume, or enrich their development journey, in partnership with a skilled coach and a small group of peers or team members.
See the video and brochure for more information on the Two 3sSM program.
Having watched this team evolve and grow over the last few months has been so rewarding. The safe space that was created during the time we spent with Andrea has been the best team coaching and development process I have been a part of."

What Leaders Need NowSM
Inner Qualities and Essential Practices
Drawing upon thirty years of experience as a leadership development expert and executive coach, as well as three years of immersion into the effects of a global pandemic on organizational culture and employee well-being, author Andrea Chilcote envisions What Leaders Need Now: compassion, courage, and humility. She presents these three qualities as internal capabilities that can be grown, honed, and nurtured through the essential practices of development, reflection, and acknowledgment. It is then, she says, that you can “begin to embody the leader at the heart of your being.”
Leaders with a strong sense of purpose, or those seeking one, will find this work simultaneously provocative and reassuring as we seek to unearth the potential in all for compassion, courage, and humility. The essential practices of development, reflection, and acknowledgment allow us to begin to examine beliefs, behaviors, and values and commit to being leaders who are most needed now in the workplace and in our communities.
We’re Here to Help You
"Andrea is courageous, empathetic, and completely focused. She has challenged me to do the deeper work and explore beliefs that sometimes hold me back. It has been a transforming journey for me and has shaped my perspective and the way I work with my clients.”
Executive Coaching
If leaders are to take on the daunting task of transformation – of a team or an entire organization – (indeed, the work of leaders), this requires an inward look toward their own transformation. An executive coach acts as a guide, a mirror to gain awareness, a thinking partner, and a safe place for testing ideas.
Team Transformation
Cohesive, high-functioning teams make better, faster decisions and tap into the skills and opinions of all members. They don’t waste time on the wrong issues, revisiting the same topics repeatedly because of conflict avoidance or a lack of shared commitment. Cohesive teams are a competitive advantage – and a lot more fun!

Thought Leadership

What Leaders Need Now: Lead Together | Episode 17
A few months ago a previous podcast guest recommended a book to me and suggested I talk to the author. Thank you, Dr. Cascario! Psychology researcher and author, Tania Luna, wrote a very special book on power, Lead Together: Stop Squirreling Away Power and Build a Better Team. Her approach to the bold topic of power within teams was fascinating and unexpected. As I said in my podcast, “Her book will draw you in, make you smile, and, possibly, even make you laugh out loud. But make no mistake, the insights are profound!” Her “story” needs to be shared far and wide and will encourage you to “stop hoarding your nuts” and share your leadership power with others.

The Power of Courageous Intent
By Andrea Chilcote
As I look into the new year, like many of you, I don’t have a clear view of what the future holds. When people ask me what I have planned for 2025, I startle a bit. How could I possibly know what I intend for 2025 when I don’t want 2024 to end?
Yesterday, when asked this question (again), I replied,

What Leaders Need Now: Becoming a More Thoughtful Leader | Episode 16
I once again had the pleasure of hosting my good friend and fellow executive coach, Randy Hain, as my guest on the What Leaders Need Now podcast. We discussed Randy’s newest book, Becoming a More Thoughtful Leader, which is Randy’s 11th book! I’m always amazed at how Randy runs his own business as a full-time executive coach, works as a partner in the Leadership Foundry, is involved in numerous non-profits, speaks regularly at colleges, AND writes books. How does he do it? The short answer: He is very thoughtful about where he spends his time, and what brings him joy. This short, 23-minute episode has numerous takeaways, and one I especially like is that the key to becoming a more thoughtful, reflective leader is to “be thoughtful about your own growth and development, then take what you’ve learned and go teach someone else.” Great advice as you begin reflecting on your year and looking ahead.
“The Times They Are A-Changin’ ”
– Bob Dylan
Leaders need support now more than ever before. So much is at stake. Andrea and our contributors can help you and your team on a journey of transformation through executive coaching and team development.